Yes, this year has been a bit of a rollercoaster, hasn’t it? Ups, downs, highs, lows, and everything in between!
For a small business owner or solopreneur such as yourself, the chaos of the last 3 years can really take its toll. We’re seeing businesses closing, and we’re seeing businesses thriving – the disparity is quite something.
So where are you at in your business? What’s been working for you and what needs to improve? We’re seeing plenty of solopreneurs who are making the ‘final push’ – it’s last chance saloon because they simply can’t get by on this feast or famine situation.
And I get it, uncertainty is unsettling. It’s like a constant limbo land. One minute you’re keeping your head above water and the next a big wave comes crashing down and you’re drowning in overwhelm. You want to be flying, not treading water!
It’s truly upsetting that so many solopreneurs with so much potential are experiencing this.

Are you one of them?
You’re working all the hours under the sun. You’re always busy but somehow struggling for money. You have every intention of being proactive and developing new and exciting ways to boost and build your business but something’s missing. A key piece of the jigsaw.
I understand, it’s frustrating to say the least, especially when you see so many others in your industry absolutely nailing it. Where do they find the time and headspace? How are they flying when you’re just treading water? How are they so effortlessly effective while you’re here busting a gut to make a real difference and garner real success and you’re still struggling?
Something’s got to give. Something has to change. You know that, but you don’t quite know what. I imagine you’ve tried a few things, dipped your toes in the waters of the odd strategy – were you consistent? Did it suit you? Or was it a cookie-cutter blueprint that made bold promises which it then failed to deliver?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to sound harsh here – it’s just that we’ve all been there. I’ve been there. Many of our wonderful clients here at LIME have been there too. And, that’s exactly how they arrived at our door.
None of us know what we don’t know, right? If you don’t know what you’re looking for how do you know to ask – and how do you know if you even happen upon it? So we’re all out there seeking solutions but half the time we don’t know to what… that’s enough to make your head spin!

So what do you do?
What would you do if you needed something fixed in your house, or your car? You’d hire someone who knew what they were doing, right? So when you know there’s something not working in your business, why try to fix it yourself when there are experts out there who can not only fix the problem, but actually make things even better?
Of course, you want to make sure you’re in capable hands. That’s why you do your due diligence. You read reviews, testimonials, case studies – you have a quick call to get the vibe of the person or people you’re going to pay – yes?
Something we see time and time again is wonderful solopreneurs who have spent so much time taking a DIY approach – of course you want to ‘save’ money but at what cost? When you spend a vast amount of time trying to do all the things yourself, working IN your business rather than ON it, you’re missing the point. And you’re slowly going to grow to loathe what you’ve created – because you didn’t set up your business just to be admin, finance, marketer, customer service, copywriter, designer, did you?
You know you need a strategy – or you need to revisit your strategy… and you know you need a game plan that’s going to actually yield results. Do you know how you’re going to achieve that?
Do you think those folk out there running profitable businesses are scheduled back to back or trying to wear all the hats? Do they let their fear of what they don’t know hold them back? Do they do everything themselves?

No way!
They work smart – they hire excellent folk to do the stuff they themselves aren’t great at or simply don’t know how or want to do.
Busy does not equal successful. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Wearing all the hats is not productive, and it’s certainly not the most effective use of your valuable time. And let’s face it, it’s not fun for you either. If it worked you’d be thriving, no?
I’ll let you into a secret – the people making it look so easy, don’t do it alone! They know it’s impossible to grow and scale that way – trust me – my team and I have helped plenty of business owners up-level by adding our expertise into the mix.
So stop letting your fear get the better of you. Invest in your business, in yourself, and commit to growth in 2023 with a supportive team behind you.
We’re doers, sure, but we’re also thinkers. From ideas, strategy, game plan, to implementation, we can help you figure out what’s needed to rescue your business. Our services are vast and you can mix and match what you need. We’ll support you through everything and with access to a team of flexperts, you can pretty much bet your bottom dollar that we’ll have all eventualities covered.
It’s now or never, a change in the tide, don’t you want to ride that wave?
Want to find out more about our strategy sessions and outsourcing options 👉 book a call here