Do you love to chew the cud and want a convenient way to bring your ideal client into the conversation? Then Podcasting might just be your cup of chai.
19.1 million people in the UK listened to Podcasts in 2021 according to a Statista survey… that’s huge, and the number is still growing!
You’re probably part of that number yourself, so there’s every chance your clients (and potential clients) are too. It’s a great way to reach out and engage with them and build an audience.
And the good news is it’s likely you can use your existing content. Convenient or what?
If you already write posts for your social media, blogs for your website, and chat at networking about your business, that content might just be the perfect subject matter to delve into deeper on your Podcast. So why not consider channelling that messaging into a new medium and getting in front of your clients in a new way? If you already enjoy listening to podcasts yourself, then you already know their value. You can share your ideas or tips, or even interview someone to bring the subject to life.

Engage with your audience
Podcasting is a great way to engage with your audience, as listening to a podcast helps your potential client build a ‘relationship’ with you – it’s easy to feel connected when you hear someone’s voice, and your audience will feel like they are building a personal connection with you. A podcast feels intimate, like a conversation – they have a unique way of feeling honest, authentic, not overly rehearsed – things that we all know matter when we’re choosing who to buy from. When you listen to a podcast you feel like you’re in the room with the host, listening to them (and their guest or co-host) chat – feeling the power of a point they’ve made, laughing along with a joke, or feeling that you need to share their message with someone else.

Share your passion and build your profile
You are passionate about your business and the themes and topics relating to it, and you can share that passion in a podcast. You can also give a voice to your guests to share their thoughts and expertise around your topic, helping to showcase what is important to you and your clients. Being a podcast host yourself can also lead to you guesting on other podcasts and creating a bit of cross-promotional marketing, boosting both your profile and that of your guests and hosts.
Podcasting is more accessible now than ever with tons of places to share them – often a great mic and editing software is all you need. What’s more, it doesn’t cost much to get started, so it’s is an easy and cost-effective way to market yourself! It can increase your credibility and recognition (especially if you host guests) and show that you practice what you preach.

Easy content creation
A podcast is also an easy way to create content, and it’s long form content that’s easy and convenient for your audience to access. You can say a lot more in a podcast that you can in a social media post, and listening is an enjoyable experience for your audience.
Content from your podcast can be re-purposed too – you might create a blog post by editing the transcript of the episode, or you might use video clips from the recording on social media. You can also use reviews from listeners and guest to promote not just the podcast, but your brand or service. Did you know you can also put your podcast on your YouTube channel? You don’t even have to have actual video; the audio can be posted with a static podcast cover image. And of course, every episode is a new post for your social media!

Added bonuses
It’s also possible to monetise your podcast if you want to generate a bit of extra income, either by finding a sponsor for your podcast, having adverts providing by your hosting platform (like on YouTube), or by offering a paid for membership or subscription service like Patreon, where you give those who sign up exclusive benefits like early access to episodes or extra content such as free downloads or video.
Ready to give it a go?
We know that it can be time consuming though if you aren’t sure how to set one up or manage it. Our team includes a fantastic podcast expert who can do that for you. Talk to us if you need help getting started – maybe one of our strategy sessions could help you get going or our team could do the heavy lifting for you so that you can focus on doing what you do best – talking about your expert subject and creating synergy with your clients.
Let’s get a discovery call booked in and make it happen!