We’re coming to the end of 2022, and all around (like most years) people are asking themselves, where did it go? It flew by!

This time of year is about reflection. It’s a great time to look back and review. What went well? What could have gone better? What’s working in my business? What do I love doing? And what do I need to let go of? 

For those of you who survived (if not thrived) during the last 3 years, kudos. It’s been tough. And if you’ve got your business to a point where it’s bringing in enough money, that’s awesome. You should absolutely celebrate that. 

But are you doing enough of what you love? Are you playing in your zone of genius for the best part? 

Chances are you may have lost some mojo along the way…

And so, where to from here?

You’ve proved you can run the show. You have a successful business. You’re bringing in regular clients and you’re doing (mostly) what you set out to do.

You’re ready for the next level. You’re ready to scale up. You’re ready to make more money, get more of your dream clients knocking at your door, and you’re ready for the freedom you promised yourself when you started all of this.

But – and here’s the clincher – you’re already filling your time each day. Your head is full of what you’re doing day to day, and what you ‘want’ to do has taken a back seat. You don’t have the time or bandwidth to be proactive with your passion projects – those projects that will bring in more revenue – those projects that fill you with excitement.

The thought of adding more to your plate is terrifying! I mean, there’s just no way you can organise your time to include more work. It’s impossible.
And I get it, you’ve hit the ceiling. And like so many small businesses, you just don’t know where to go from here in order to grow.

But you know it’s time for change. You can’t keep on doing everything yourself. How are you going to make more money when there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you’re already doing?

You’re passionate, you’re driven – you’re exhausted, right?

It’s hard work to keep switching hats all the time, taking yourself out of your zone of genius to do everything else that comes with running a business.

Here’s the thing, you don’t need to DO MORE you need to DO LESS!

Yup. And c’mon, you already know that in your gut, don’t you?

Scaling your business means creating more profit, without ‘doing’ more. Without spending more time in your business. It’s about finding ways to generate more revenue without doing more hours.

What do you do for your business that could be handled by someone else? Ask yourself. And be honest about it. What could you relinquish today?

What exciting new things do you want to do to improve your marketing, reach more of your dream clients, spread your message, increase your visibility, and grow your authority? Perhaps you’d love to start a podcast, maybe you want to create a digital course or expand your product suite, you have so much potential to grow your business…

If you keep doing the same things, you’ll stay in the same place. You need to take action if you want to level up. But you already knew that.

So what are your goals for 2023?


What have you promised yourself you’ll get round to next year that you didn’t manage this year? How are you going to achieve that? What needs to change?

One of the methods we use here at LIME is reverse engineering. It’s a straightforward approach, methodical, logical, strategic, with room for lashings of creativity!

Dream big! What is your next major goal? I’m sure you’ll answer that in your mind immediately – it’s going to be something that sparks some passion, right? Ok, so now set a realistic deadline – it can be a tight deadline but it has to be achievable. Now, write yourself a list of all the things you need to do, tasks, activities etc, that will allow you to reach that goal. Then schedule them – each to-do that’s ticked off will take you closer to your goal and ultimately enable you to accomplish it.

It’s that simple…

And of course, it’s that simple when you actually have time and headspace. And when you don’t have to be reactive, fight fires, and deal with the unexpected. Sadly, it begins to look a little less realistic when you factor in the unforeseeable. Isn’t that what kinda happened this year? Is that not why you didn’t get round to it? You know what the secret is. There’s no escaping the facts. Those 6 figure solopreneurs you see ALL have a team behind them. A team of experts no less.


They’ve invested in design, copy, content, tech, admin, strategy, coaching – they’ve invested in themself and therefore their business.

At LIME we empower busy entrepreneurs like you to say YES to freedom by saying NO to the stuff outside of your zone of genius.

With you at the helm we’ll take the wheel and steer you forward – out of the plateau and into the GROW.

☎️ Get in touch and let’s talk about how you can level up.

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